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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make foreSIGHT the leading provider of vision care products and services in Cincinnati.

Debora Wright, O.D.

Dr. Wright is a Cincinnati native, graduating from Western Hills High School and the University of Cincinnati, Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa. After working in the clinical laboratory and industrial research fields she obtained her Doctor of optometry degree from Ohio State University. While in Optometry school she was involved with SVOSH, Student Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity, and participated in mission trips to Mexico, Ecuador, and Sierra Leone, West Africa. Dr. Wright has been practicing Optometry for over 30 years with special interest in family eye care, hard to fit contact lenses, ocular disease management, and myopia management, including Paragon CRT, specialized soft multifocal lenses, and atropine. Dr. Wright in a member of the American Optometric Association and past president of the Cincinnati Optometric Association. She is married and enjoys spending time with her husband and two daughters.

Photo of Dr. Shannon MorganShannon Morgan, O.D.

Dr. Shannon Morgan joined foreSIGHT in the fall of 2022. She received her Bachelor degree in Biochemistry from the Ohio State University. She received herDoctorate degree from the Ohio State School of Optometry after completing externships in contact lens fitting and ocular disease. Dr. Morgan has a particular interest in children’s vision and low vision patients. She sees low vision patients at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Since joining out team Dr. Morgan has become very popular and provides outstanding eye care to patients of all ages. Dr. Morgan is currently seeing patients at foreSIGHT on Mondays.

When Dr. Morgan is not seeing patients she enjoys spending time with her husband and two dogs.

Barbara Clark, Optical Manager

Barbara is our Optical Manager with over 25 years experience in customer service. She is pleased to offer personal assistance with frame and lens selection to make sure you look your best. She attends seminars to ensure that she is up to date on the latest optical advances.